I love me


Here's some more random pics that i just threw in here.  First is of me and some of the filipino kids i looked after during the filipino parties. (There are alot more of em then pictured)  then me playing my other guitar yet again (that is a fake tattoo on my arm..hehe), then my senior pic, then my car, and then all my guitars, equipment and amp...although my lil amp isnt in the pic :(  I also used to shoot air rifles for competition.  The first target is a BB target(actual size) shot at alil over 16 feet. The second one is one where i shot out the bulls-eye.  Then the smaller ones are pellet gun (ALOT harder! my pellet gun rifle would have cost like $1500 dollars, and then bout $500 for the proper jacket, another $500 or so for the proper pants, and then boots, and glove, and other equipment...so it hardcore...although i could have gotten full paid scholarships to many different schools, i just quit though cause i got tired of it.  Next are all my lil ribbons from being a beginner to pro through BB gun, and then my Distinguished expert medal (not many people make it that far) and then me showing off all my trophies and medals and blah.

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